How many classes should Battlefield 2016 have?

I admit it, I enjoy playing Battlefield 4. With over 2,000 hours played on BF4 and even with the game being over 2 years old, I still have fun playing it (most of the time, there are times I rage as everyone has those moments). But now people are talking about and looking towards the next Battlefield game as am I. We know that Dice Stockholm is working on the next Battlefield game (whatever it may be called, Battlefield 5? Bad Company 3?) and I just hope that Dice Stockholm does a good job with it (despite their awful release of BF4).

I recently found the "BattlefieldOne Podcast" on TheLankySoldier's YouTube channel, I listened to a few of their past podcasts and have enjoyed them. He posted a new podcast episode (#21) a few days ago and one thing they talked about was ideas for the class system in the new Battlefield game. I embedded the podcast video down below as well, make sure to check it out.

Below I listed out my thoughts on what the class system should look like in the next Battlefield game. This isn't perfect by no means but it's a start. First, I thought the Assault class should be broken up into two classes, Assault and Medic. Second, I thought the Recon class should be broken up into two classes as well, the Recon and Sniper.

Primary weapons: Assault rifles
Gadget 1: M320
Gadget 2: M26

Primary weapons: Carbines/maybe DMRs too?
Gadget 1: Med bag/pack
Gadget 2: Defib

Primary weapons: Carbines
Gadget 1: Rocket launchers
Gadget 2: Repair tool/mines

Primary weapons: LMGs
Gadget 1: Ammo bag/pack
Gadget 2: Shield/C4

Primary weapons: DMRs/maybe Carbines too?
Gadget 1: Radio beacon
Gadget 2: PLD/Mav/Soflam/C4? (or should the sniper have PLD/Mav/Soflam?)

Primary weapons: Sniper rifles
Gadget 1: T-ugs/Motion sensor (or should the Recon have T-ugs/Motion sensor?)
Gadget 2: C4?

I think all classes should have access to PDWs and Shotguns (as much as I hate shotguns, they will most likely be in the next game).

The Hype Awakens - BattlefieldOne Podcast Ep 21 - The guys talk about classes at 32:14

What do you think the class system should be in the next Battlefield game?