Battlefield 1 Closed Alpha: My Biggest Concern - CQ Gun Fights Press F to Win

So I've been playing the Battlefield 1 Closed Alpha and I do have a few concerns, but I'll just focus on my biggest concern in this blog post. I'm mainly an infantry player and I love the close quarter gun battles. Well in the BF1 closed alpha, I've experienced more times than I would like to say getting killed by melee weapons as my enemy just spammed F when in close and I would end up getting stuck in the set locked animation of taking that melee death. I could not fight back and that was very frustrating. So close quarter battles may just end up with everyone going for the melee kill rather than having gun battles and that is a disappointment in my mind.

I know the counter-knife in BF4 is hated and awful, I agree and don't want to see that in BF1. I would rather want to see the swipe melee method for frontal melee attacks and not this set locked animation where you have no chance to dodge the attack. What are your thoughts?

And you'll also notice in the video that the BF3 supernova sun is back in BF1... come on Dice!