Finally official Battlefield 2042 open beta news

Today we finally got some official news from DICE about Battlefield 2042. The open beta will run from October 8th to the 9th. For those that pre-ordered BF 2042, your open beta access will be from October 6th to the 9th. In the open beta, we will be playing the Conquest gamemode on the Orbital map, and be able to use the four already announced Specialists (Boris, Casper, Falck and Mackay). Check out the open beta trailer below.

Battlefield 2042 | Open Beta Trailer

Battlefield 2042 open beta information (click images for larger version)

Battlefield 2042 open beta details
Battlefield 2042 open beta PC specs

New Battlefield 2042 information

Besides the open beta announcement, DICE also posted a new Battlefield Briefing blog post going over progression and cosmetics in BF 2042, make sure to check it out.