Battlefield 1 open beta feedback

Battlefield 1 open beta
I've been playing the Battlefield 1 Open Beta and have enjoyed the game, but I've also had times of frustration (as with every Battlefield game). Below I've listed some feedback I have after playing the open beta for 12+ hours. I did not list some things as I heard on Twitter that the developers were already aware of some issues.

  • Battle pickups are maybe a little op (in terms of health and infinite ammo?) Also, maybe make it so players who use battle pickups can't get into vehicles?
  • The AT Rocket gun should be easier to unlock or make it unlocked at the start so players have something to stop the tank whores.
  • If you didn't initially spawn into the game in a tank, and you steal or find a tank, you shouldn't be able to self-repair the tank.
  • The press F to win melee is still cheap. Melee attacks from the front should be a swipe (like in BF3) and not the locked animation.
  • The spawn screen: where is the spawn timer/progress bar?
  • The bayonet charge: if enemy is charging you and if you shoot them, it should stop the charge animation.
  • Shooting guns and riding horses, your weapon is always on the right side. I'm surprised that there is still no option to have your character switch sides to aim. Is this a limitation of the frostbite engine?
  • I'm not a fan of the new Conquest mode, please bring back old Conquest.

If you've played the Battlefield 1 Open Beta, what are your thoughts on the game?