I posted a new Battlefield 1 related video that is mainly for the Dice developers to see some pretty bad spawns.
Here's what I wrote in the description for the video:
Here's what I wrote in the description for the video:
The spawn system in Battlefield 1 needs a lot of work. I can't count the number of times I've spawned near enemies to get killed right away. In this video, I wanted to point out two spawn incidents for me where I should have not been able to spawn in that location.
First, I somehow get killed by an Automatico from behind a wall, then I spawn right behind an enemy player and get a free cheap kill, yay me I guess. The spawn system should have known there was a nearby enemy and spawned me in a different location or have me wait longer to spawn.
Second, I try to spawn on a squadmate, who just happens to be getting chased by an enemy player, I kill the enemy, but then I get killed by an enemy behind me lol. Karma I guess, but again the spawn system should have not allowed me to spawn on my squadmate there.