Game reviews for Call of Duty: Vanguard

Call of Duty: Vanguard launches today, November 5th, but of course people in gaming media received early copies (probably free as well) and you can already find reviews online. Check out the below three video reviews on YouTube from GameSpot, Game Informer and IGN, but also make sure to check out any other reviews by your favorite content creators or other gaming media outlets you follow.

Disclaimer: Just a reminder that everyone has their own opinions, not everyone likes what you like, so it's always good to get a wide range of opinions and watch gameplay before making a decision about playing/purchasing any game. Make sure to check out your favorite content creators and gaming media outlets for reviews, info and more about this game.

Call of Duty: Vanguard Review (by GameSpot)

Video description: Tweaks in multiplayer and Zombies advance the Call of Duty franchise overall, and an emphasis on distinct characters makes Vanguard's story fun, but it doesn't always mix well with the series' gameplay.

Call of Duty: Vanguard Review (by Game Informer)

Video description: Call of Duty: Vanguard reaches high in two out of the three modes, but how does it work as a whole package? Join us for our official review where we break down the good and the bad from the latest entry in this iconic series.

Call of Duty: Vanguard - Campaign Review (by IGN)

Video description: Call of Duty: Vanguard Single-Player reviewed by Simon Cardy on PlayStation 5. Also available on PlayStation 4, Xbox, and PC. Note that this review specifically covers the single-player campaign component; check out our reviews of multiplayer and Zombies as well. Call of Duty: Vanguard's highly polished campaign provides a healthy amount of fun, even if its brief length and lack of variety lead it to fall short of the classic pieces of war cinema it's trying to emulate.