On Tuesday, Apex Legends released a new Stories from the Outlands: Gridiron cinematic featuring Bangalore, which you can watch below. I also included a video from IGN explaining what's happening in the video which is good for those new to Apex Legends or those who don't know the lore (such as myself).
Apex Legends | Stories from the Outlands: Gridiron
Video description: Torn between her brother and the only cause she's ever known, Bangalore has difficult decisions to make - and hard consequences to face - after the Battle of Gridiron.
Apex Legends: Bangalore Gridiron Lore Explained
Video description: Apex Legends released a new Stories From the Outlands cinematic piece that reveals more about Bangalore's backstory and where she got her heirloom from. But there are still a lot of questions left unanswered that always bring us back to Titanfall. Here's a breakdown of Bangalore's backstory and a working theory on Apex being set in an alternate timeline.