Today, a new 'Battlefield Briefing' blog post was put up on Battlefield's website where they talk about Battlefield 2042 and what's coming. If you're someone that would rather watch a video summary about the 'Battlefield Briefing' blog post, I recommend you check out the video below by TheCadWoman, who goes over everything talked about.
So in today's briefing they talked about: they are continuing to re-work current BF 2042 maps (Manifest and Breakaway is coming in season 3, Discarded is coming in season 4, and a release timeframe for Hourglass will be announced later), Update 3.2 will bring classes back, season 4 will bring a Recon Specialist and that's the last Specialist, the new map for season 4 will be "smaller, shorter, and linear designed for up close and personal, close-quarters combat," and there will be a season 5 (which includes a new map, new hardware, new Battle Pass, and more).
At the end of the briefing, they mentioned how the new map for season 5 will be one from Battlefield 4, but with overgrown areas and engulfed in vegetation (see quote below). The map will have a combination of vehicle and infantry combat. The first map that came to mind for me was 'Zavod 311.' Then I saw a comment about it maybe being 'Operation: Outbreak' which is possible but that map has tons of vegetation already so that may not be it. Which map from BF4 do you think is coming to Battlefield 2042 in season 5?
So in Season 5 you're going to see us lean into previous games and how they can show up in the world of 2042. The new Season 5 map coming will be a forgotten battleground that last saw combat in the Battlefield 4 era. An overgrown area, engulfed with vegetation and by the 2042 war. It will encourage a combination of vehicular and infantry combat meaning teamplay is the key to victory.
Season 5 Confirmed & First Details to Season 4 of Battlefield 2042
Video by TheCadWoman. Video description: First info to maps and specialists of Season 4 and 5 in Battlefield 2042 and the releases of more reworked maps.