Game reviews for Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 released on October 7th and I have heard both good and not-so-good thoughts about the game. I give my opinion down at the bottom of this blog post, but I'm still playing the story, so I recommend checking out the below video reviews and any other gaming media you follow.

Far Cry 6 Review by IGN

Far Cry 6 Review by GameSpot

Far Cry 6 Review by Game Informer

My thoughts on Far Cry 6 so far

First I have to say I am a fan of the Far Cry series, I've been playing their games since Far Cry 3. In FC6 right now I have played around 26 hours (and 33% complete). I like to take my time with FC games and explore the entire map. The criticism about FC6 not really changing from past titles is true and warranted, it uses the same formula with some UI and system changes so if you are tired of the FC games then this isn't for you. If you enjoy the beautiful locations and action of past FC games then I recommend you pick this one up.