Why can't BF 2042 Specialists be in a standard BF class system?

Battlefield 2042

So why does Battlefield 2042 have Specialists and not the standard BF class system? We all know the answer, it's money aka monetization. Follow the trends right... there's Apex Legends and Call of Duty: Warzone, who both makes tons of money, so it's no surprise BF is going that way, it's just sad that the standard class system had to change for that.

YouTuber Lossy made a video talking about a community concept that's been brought up, what if the Specialists were placed in classes, you could still have multiple unique Specialists in each class so EA can make their money still. Why not use this kind of system? It's most likely too late to change the system in place, but I hope I'm wrong about that. What do you think about this concept?

Specialists in Battlefield 2042 could be an issue... Is this Community Concept the Solution?