YouTuber TheCadWoman made a new video where she went over 7 new changes in Update 2.0 for Battlefield 2042 that you may have not been aware of, like myself. Make sure to check out her YouTube channel and subscribe as she's always giving useful information when updates come to Battlefield 2042.
- New unlockable player cards
- Smoke puts out incendiaries
- Incendiary damage to gadgets
- Gadgets despawn after loadout change
- Extended Paik spotting
- New damage zone on Condor and Super Hind
- Stealth heli armor change
7 Hidden Changes in Update 2.0 of Battlefield 2042 you might have not recognized!
Video description: Here are 7 changes that were made with update 2.0 in Battlefield 2042, and that were only briefly mentioned in the patch notes without much explanation. It's only some smaller things this time, but they can still be pretty useful and interesting to know.