Warframe Devstream #164 notes

Today Warframe had Devstream #164 where they talked about a few things from the last update, including the Wukong changes, Veilbreaker, AOE; and they also talked about new things coming such as Revenant Prime (October 5th), a new Wolf frame, crossplay tests and more. You can watch the full devstream below. If you prefer a summary video of what happened in the devstream, I suggest checking out the second video below, by YouTuber Brozime.

Warframe | Devstream 164: Revenant Prime, Wolf Inspired Warframe Check-In, Cross Play Test Details

Video description: The developers of Warframe share what's coming this Autumn, including Nights of Naberus 2022, brand new in-game items via the 2022 Quest to Conquer Cancer campaign, Revenant Prime and more.

REVENANT PRIME! MORE NERFS?! | Devstream #164 Breakdown | Warframe

Video by Brozime, going over what was talked about during Devstream #164.