State of Decay 2's Bounty Pack schedule

State of Decay 2

Most likely you've been playing State of Decay 2 for lots of hours and you already know what "Bounty Pack" is coming next month, the month after, and the month after that one, but for those players who may be new to the game or just don't know (like myself), I thought I would make a blog post with that information. Below is the list.

Which bounty pack is coming for which month

  1. January - Bundle Up pack
  2. February - Trumbull Valley pack
  3. March - Pawn Shop pack
  4. April - Plunder pack
  5. May - Anniversary pack
  6. June - World War II pack
  7. July - Open Range pack
  8. August - Critical Response pack
  9. September - Trifecta pack
  10. October - Fearsome Footage pack
  11. November - Go Bag pack
  12. December - Stay Frosty pack

This information was found on State of Decay 2's support website.