Should Battlefield fans be worried?

On March 1st, an update was posted on the Electronic Arts website, A Bold Move For Battlefield, where Chief Studios Officer Laura Miele shared some information about the next Battlefield game that is currently being worked on. Laura states that Criterion is joining DICE and DICE L.A. to focus on Battlefield.

So now Battlefield has three studios working on it. Dice Stockholm are the lead developers working on the game while Dice L.A. has been focusing on the live service. Criterion is known for making driving/racing games, although they did work on the Firestorm battle royale in Battlefield V.

Three studios working on one game, does this not raise red flags to anyone else?

Laura states that the next Battlefield game is heading towards the franchise's earliest Alpha, which is good news so by that statement, it sounds as if they are ahead of schedule.

So either it is true that the game is ahead of schedule and they're bringing in more developers to help the other developers, maybe give some time off to some developers, maybe provide more testing than their past games have desperately needed before launching. Or the game is in serious trouble and needs as many developers as they can bring in to help finish the game before the end of the year.

What do you think? Do you think the game is in trouble or do you think they're making sure they release the best possible game they can?