Instinction announcement trailer

Besides Battlefield 2042, the second game I've seen during E3 that interests me the most is Instinction. Instinction is a narratively driven action-adventure horror game with dinosaurs. You can play solo or with two others in co-op, and you can play in first-person and third-person views. The game is expected to release in September 2022 with an initial release on PC and subsequent releases on PS4+5 and Xbox Series X+S. All information was found on the official website and the trailer video which you can watch below. They also have a Twitter you can follow for news.

If you have ever played or seen the first two Dino Crisis games then you had to feel some nostalgia as you watched the trailer. The nostalgia hit me when I saw the red lasers in the doorway. When I was younger, my brother and I played (and re-played) the first two Dino Crisis games and had so much fun.

In a article from March this year, they interviewed the co-founder Jade Saunders and the lead developer, Richard Gold, to find out more about the game, make sure to check it out. Also, Richard addressed the idea of Instinction being a spiritual successor of Dino Crisis:

"We obviously all loved and still appreciate what Dino Crisis was and what it meant to a segment of gamers that had the pleasure to experience it in its heyday. We just intend to recreate what we all felt back then and also instill that experience in a new generation of gamers and with modernized gameplay and mechanics. Secondly, Dino Crisis is and always will retain its own identity; we like what it was and have no intention to distract from that."

I am really excited about this game and will be following it, so expect me to post updates about it on this blog when news comes out about the game.

Screenshots from the trailer

Screenshot from Instinction trailer Screenshot from Instinction trailer Screenshot from Instinction trailer Screenshot from Instinction trailer Screenshot from Instinction trailer Screenshot from Instinction trailer

Instinction - Announcement Trailer "The Anticipation"

Video description: First Featured Video and World Premiere at The Future Games Show at E3. Instinction by Hashbane is a narratively driven action-adventure game. In this World Premiere trailer you can get a first look at the terrifyingly immersive combat and exploration in multiple awe-inspiring locations.

Instinction will have an initial release on PC and subsequent releases on PS4+5 and Xbox Series X+S. Google Stadia and Nintendo Switch versions are also being considered. More info on Instinction Website -

All footage captured in Unreal Engine without ray tracing enabled on a moderate level pc. Future tech demos are planned, with full pc specs and will also be available for download to test on your own system.