Much respect to Take Two Interactive's E3 talk

So today Take Two Interactive had their spot at E3 and instead of showing and talking about games, they talked about something more important and bigger in life, which is diversity, equity and inclusion. I missed the livestream but I started to watch the uploaded video on YouTube while I worked. I was surprised at first, thinking wow I won't be hearing about the next GTA game or maybe another GTA V expansion, but then I listened. I listened to what the group of people on the screen were talking about and it put a smile on my face a number of times. I smiled because this topic was getting attention, and attention at a big gaming event.

I give major respect to Take Two Interactive for using this high profile spot to talk about these issues and I'm hoping it caught the attention of others as it caught mine. Of course, with everything in life, it also caught the attention of the other side, that side being those that didn't want to hear about diversity, equity and inclusion... they wanted games damnit... and they were angry.

After watching the video, I scrolled down to check the YouTube comments (I should know by now, YouTube comments are almost always toxic) and my feeling good slowly went away as I read negative comment after racist comment after ignorant comment. It shows just how much more work and education is needed on these issues. I thought maybe others have seen/heard what I just witnessed and were excited about change, to talk about things that most people don't want to talk about, but it seems some want to keep the status quo. Well news for you, change is coming.

Bro, did you even watch and listen to what the panel talked about? What part in particular actually upset you?

So I understand that some gamers may be upset that they didn't get to see a new game from their favorite franchise or news about a new upcoming title. I understand all that as I am a gamer too, but you have to look at the big picture, there are more things in life bigger than gaming, bigger than you. To those who are upset, did you actually watch and listen to the panel? What part triggered you? What about diversity, equity and inclusion upsets you? Help me understand. Help me help you.

I want to thank everyone on that panel for doing what they do and also all of the initiatives they have going on for these issues. I am hopeful for the future, not just in gaming, but in everything.

I understand that I am most likely one of the few that liked this talk at a major gaming event, but I hope if you're one that was upset, ask yourself why, why did it upset you, is gaming more important than diversity, equity and inclusion? Yes there is a time and a place for this topic, but why not here, center stage at a major gaming event with lots of people watching and listening, to me it was the perfect time.

You can watch the full Take Two Interactive E3 video down below.

Take Two Interactive E3 2021 Panel Livestream | Summer of Gaming