During the Future Games Show, a gameplay trailer for the upcoming dino-shooter game, Instinction was shown and I am very excited about this game. Check out the trailer below. Instinction is at the top of my list for games to play when it releases. Right now the game is supposed to come to Early Access in 2023. You can sign up for the playtest via the link below.
Explore a Lost World.
Source: PlayInstinction.com
Explore the Valley of the Rift, a vast and living world hidden within the Yucatán Peninsula, populated by living dinosaurs and protected by the people of a hidden civilisation. Isabel, an adventurous ecologist with a mysterious connection to the Rift, finds herself thrust into this strange new world full of primeval dangers and incredible beauty, where extinct giants walk side by side with human beings. Navigate a wide variety of treacherous and gorgeous environments, solve challenging puzzles, and fight to survive in a world filled with deadly living history.
Instinction Gameplay Trailer - Future Games Show Summer Showcase 2023
Video description: A gameplay trailer for Hashbane's tense dino shooter Instinction dropped during the Future Games Show Summer Showcase. Instinction is coming to Steam Early Access in 2023 and you can sign up for the playtest on PlayInstinction.com.