During the Future Games Show, there was a world premiere trailer for The Precinct, an upcoming 1980s style sandbox crime adventure game where you play as a rookie cop. Check out the trailer below. This is one of the games that really caught my eye during the Future Games Show and I have already added this game onto my Steam wishlist. Check out The Precinct's Steam page. The game is being developed by Fallen Tree Games Ltd and published by Kwalee.
The Precinct's description on Steam is:
Averno City, 1983. Gangs rule the streets and your father lies restless in his grave. Clean up the city, uncover the truth, and embark on thrilling vehicle chases through destructible environments in this neon-noir action sandbox police game.
Source: Steam
The Precinct Reveal Trailer - Future Games Show Summer Showcase 2023
Video description: Evoking the classic top-down GTA games, The Precinct is a 1980s sandbox crime adventure where you play as rookie beat cop Nick Cordell. A world premiere trailer for the game debuted during the Future Games Show Summer Showcase, revealing that the game is coming soon to PC, PlayStation and Xbox.